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Oracle database interview questions 3 years of experience:

Estimated reading: 1 minute 211 views
  • Explain database normalization and different normal forms like 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and BCNF in detail.
  • What are indexes in Oracle database? Explain different types of indexes like unique, bitmap, function based indexes etc.
  • What are materialized views? How are they different from regular database views?
  • Explain different Oracle database joins such as equi joins, outer joins, self joins and natural joins with examples.
  • What are clusters in Oracle database? When to use clusters for storing related data.
  • What are sequences in Oracle? How are they different from auto increment columns? Give examples.
  • What are database triggers? Explain different types such as before/after, row level, statement level triggers.
  • How will you optimize a slow running query in Oracle database? Explain query optimization techniques.
  • What are locks in Oracle? Describe different types like exclusive, shared, row exclusive locks.
  • What is a database cursor in Oracle? Explain implicit and explicit cursors giving suitable examples.
  • Explain PL/SQL packages. What are the advantages of packages? Give example of real life package usage.
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